Friday, August 26, 2016

Know the different types of financial advisor by coach Aya

If you are into serious financial help either for your business, getting into stock market, real estate, managed funds or retirement, This is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Financial advisor will help you choose your investment decisions wisely and its impact for a long-term that suits your needs during your retirement days. The importance of having this is for money advice, tax,insurance and legal advice's.

 Sun Life Brighter Coach Aya said during our 3rd Session with him last August 20, 2016 –“ In reality anyone can claim to be a financial advisor . bu there are alot of things to be considered”
 These are qualifications. An expert who has retirement planning expertise. Don’t just choose the advisor with the best personality and sales skills; chances are this is not the plan that you wanted for your future.

  Here are some important keys in finding the right advisor. How to begin a relationship.

 1. Clearly state expectations. Its alright to say what you want to happen and how to make things posible and also open minded with the things that you will not expect. As financial advisors, they can distinguish if your decisions for this is right or not for you.

2. Vet Agent. Verify the company and the persons licence. Gather information like Credentials: Experience, education, certifications, association memberships; even the licensing record or compliance record. Its aright to verify those things.

 3.Meet in-person. The key to a successful interview is to establish a good conversation , in that way you can actually say or feel trust to that person and hear what you want to hear. Conducting interviews in the office let's you see their working environment as well as feeling of security.

 4. Lastly, Ask questions!

 Everything in mind related on financings of course Specialists ( it has to be professional )
 1. Real Estate ( realtors/appraiser
2. Stock Market ( CSR ) Certified Security Representative
3. Managed funds (CIS)
4. Life insurance ( life/non life/variable/health )

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