Nowadays, you cannot see a Restaurant who gives good kind of foods Class A , A good and affordable price and its kind of Asian cooking specially when it talks about sea foods and talking about the ambience of the place you don’t have to go swimming to have this kind of experience with family and love one’s. This place does not promotes hard drinking session because they want it to be a family and relationship oriented place.
A seafood mixed with crab , shrimp, mussel squid ect, Sinangag with Tinapa , Tofu with Fish
Chicken Crispies
Class A tiger Shrimp
Class A Local Mussels
A Home made Ice Cream
All of this Sea food can be in different types of cooking such as Holy Carramba, Bali Coco and Garlicky Lime. And with this 3 types comes 3 kinds of Hor limits such as Wimpy, Hot and Wild.We as a group enjoyed our foods here and has satisfactorily approved the quality of freshness and its kind of preparations it has for the kind of kicks and almost same as our Asian counterparts.Though I want to try the wild one because I’s a spicy eater, yet I should go with my spicy eating friends one time for us to taste their kind of menu. I am much more amazed on how they have given it in a very friendly price, imagined for example a Class A Tiger Shrimp is only 400++/ lb , and as being presented for other recipes from P299 up to P800 / serving/ lb.
Like them on their FB page,
Twitter : @Holycrab, @Holycrabph
Instagram : @Holycrabph
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